I begin to tinker with my blog. If my thirteen year old techno whiz is not sitting next to me, I'm in danger of erasing the whole thing so... more dangerous living. I find the statistics information and click on the word "audience" and there I see it. " Russia"? I sit and stare at the word and blink. I typed some words and blew them out of my hands and into the atmosphere and they landed on someones' screen in Russia. I marvel at how someone unknown to me and so far away heard my voice and turned to listen.
And then I started to wonder about their voice. What is their life like? Do they have a white woolly sweater? Do they like dark chocolate more than milk chocolate? Do they like chocolate at all? What was the last thing that made them laugh? Is it windy where they are today? What is the view from their window at work? What's their best friends' name? What do they worry about?
My chair creaks as I shift in my seat. I hear another car go by. I get up to warm my coffee. And I think. When that person speaks, God hears. When that person falls, God sees. When that person rejoices, God smiles. When that person fears, God cares. Somewhere over the ocean, there is a person in Russia who is alive and, I pray, well who is listening to me right now. Hello, friend! Hello! It's so nice to talk to you. <3