Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Most Perfect Human Being

They walk IN water puddles, not around them.  If there's a more challenging way to get from one place to another, they take it.  When there are noises to be made, they make them with gusto.  A song to be sung does not need to be sung the "right" way, but words can be bent and morphed into silliness and please, let's not necessarily sing it in tune.  

They call objects with grown up labels like "structures" ...."the big metal thing" and they want to climb it simply because it's there.  They make things for their momma's because they can't imagine loving another girl as much as they do her and they are not ashamed of it.  Their hair falls in their eyes or becomes a "toy" to mold into other shapes and stand straight up and it doesn't matter if others see it because why else would you have hair?  They fish with sticks and string and don't care if they catch anything; it's not the point.  The point is you have sticks and string.  Their shoes are raggedy from being busy living.  They eat and eat and then eat again.  They gather treasures that aren't worth much except to them, which makes them worth it all.

I recently spent the day in the company of one just like this.  And I can tell you; the most perfect human being is a twelve year old boy.  I know this is true.  I've had three of my own.  And they taught me what joy looks like.  <3

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth.--Eccl 11:9

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