Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Plum Tuckered Out

Just got home.  See these smiles?  They're tired but they're honest.  I stood in the school store tonight and laughed through tears that I had to keep pushing down to their chamber until I could let them out later.  My new friends will have to get used to me crying because I'm happy.  Until then, I tried to act like a normal person.  I had several people come in to meet me that had read my blog but never met me and needed to see my happy in person.  Maybe they don't know how much my heart wrapped that up like really expensive chocolate to keep on rainier days. It was a new experience to have had my heart read and then meet them.  I can't thank them enough for doing that.  I can feel the Father calling me to a different level of knowing and being known. Because tonight?  Tonight I met my new family....and they are a lot!  And I loved them all as I looked around.  God?  Show me how to notice them, how to see their "real", how to love them in their language.

I did manage to escape having to go up in front of EVERYONE and say my name and what I do.  I kind of "forgot".  ACK.  I do better infiltrating the masses quiet and stealth.  I told God He'd have to be more clear that I had to do that in the future.  I think He understood.

I got hugs from middle schoolers, all loud and rambunctious and silly and flinging themselves into the lockers just because.  They've given me their favorite candy orders to put in my store candy jar.  I want them to know, when they come in each  morning that I've prayed for them, that I will call them up to a higher ground this year, that I expect good things for them and from them.  As I walked away from them, I turned back to catch a glimpse and fell in love.  These are kids of the King.

So, tonight, my girls' uniform is laid out pressed and ready for an early wake up call and she doesn't mind that one little bit.  And to tell you the truth, neither do I!  I'd jump up and down except this girl is tired out from smiling.  Look out Calvary!  I'm onto you.....and I'm going to be praying for each person I talk to every single day.  So, when I ask you what your name is, and more than once because I'm old and I have a slot in my head where information slips out of, that is why.  

You are loved with an everlasting Love, and underneath are the everlasting Arms!  I'll remind you of that.  :)